​​​​​​​​St. Paul's In-Person Worship Guidelines

• Here is a listing of the Sign-Up Genius links we are presently using to accomplish our many needed tasks. Please fill in as you are able. You can bookmark these sites to make it easier to return to them.

WORSHIP:  In-Person, Live Streamed, Recorded 

In celebrating the beauty and strength created through diversity, we welcome, value, and include all of God's children regardless of race, culture, age, sexual orientation, gender expression, ability, appearance, or citizenship. St. Paul's is committed to racial equity.

  ​"Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ."      

1 Corinthians 12:12

If you are not attending in person and would like to make a contribution online, you can make a recurring contribution in the "giving" tab on this website or use the QR code to the left to get you there directly.

We  have a live link to our Sunday morning Worship Service which begins at 11:00 AM. 

Click HERE and you will be taken to the live feed on our Vimeo Link. 

VIDEOS at  St. Paul's Lutheran Church -- This link will take you to our VIMEO page and you may select any Sunday or special worship service, as well as an assortment of other videos related to St. Paul's, anytime. 

This week at

St. Paul's

Worship with us in person on Sundays at 8:30 and 11:00 am. On Sundays, we are using Now the Feast and Celebration at both services. The 8:30 service will be in-person only, the 11:00 am will be in-person, live-streamed (information below) and recorded for our Vimeo channel.

St. Paul's Mission Statement:  "The mission of St. Paul's Lutheran Church as a part of the family of God is to share God in Christ with the world by equipping one another through worship, learning, witness, service, and support."

An ELCA ​Congregation!


We are worshiping at 8:30 and 11:00 am and using Now the Feast and Celebration for both services until September 15. On September 15, we will switch back to Setting One in the ELW for both services.  The 8:30 worship will continue to be in-person only, the 11:00 am service will be in-person, live-streamed, and recorded.


​​​Pastor's Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark

Thursday mornings at 10:30 am. Notes will be emailed a few days prior to the class.

UMD Volunteer Update
Amanda Anderson

Moving forward, we are back to the original time frame, 11:30-1:30 pm. We'll help with meal prep before serving lunch just as we did previously, only four volunteers are needed. To accommodate our monthly Habitat for Humanity volunteer shift, we changed the UMD shift to the 4th Saturday of the month starting in September. Volunteers MUST sign up online to participate. Sign up here: https;//bit.ly/UMD_Signup  As always, please reach out to Amanda with questions about the logicstics of volunteering.

Our Afghan family support team is so grateful for your generosity in providing diapers for the past several months. The two families have a good supply for the time being, so we will let you know when that changes.

We could use help with funding school supplies. Six of the children are already back in school at Hope Valley Elementary, which shifted to a year-round schedule this year. We purchased supplies for them but foresee more expenses ahead when the other 6 return to return to school (Githens Middle and Jordan High) at the end of August. As always, thank you for your generosity in sharing with these families.

The Tongue and Thimble group creates small quilts which are distributed to nurseries at local hospitals for their critical patients. 

Growing thru Grief is continuing to offer grief support to those grieving the loss of a loved one. Here is our upcoming schedule.

Sept 3     Bill Gresham will be the speaker

Sept 10   "Embracing Life as it is: Lessons from Wabi-Sabi and Haiku" with Tim Auman

Sept 17    "What is Conscious Grieving?" with Mandy Murphy

Sept 24   "Entering into Grief" with Mandy Murphy

We meet at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, from 4 to 6 pm. All are welcome.

Rally Day: September 8th, 2024
During the Sunday School hour we will be hosting St. Paul’s Ministry Fair, where you will get the opportunity to see all the ministries available to you, and learn more on how you can participate. 

Fall 2024 Adult Sunday School (Trinity Hall 9:45-1030 am)

Sept 15 -- Constitution revision Q&A Session with Steve Mzyk

Sept 22 -- 24-25 Finance & Stewardship Q&A Session, Finance & Stewardship Committee Leaders

Sept 29 -- Using Biblical worldview and curriculum to discuss struggles kids face -- Stephanie Knudsen

Oct 6 -- Social Ministry Updates and Outreach Q&A Session -- Bee Ellertson

St. Paul's Readers Resumes September 19 at 3 pm

Calling all book lovers to join us for one or all of our fall meetings! Our September selection is The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey by Candice Millard. The 26th President, failing re-election, has an adventure that nearly kills him.  Books for the rest of the year are Humankind: A Hopeful History by Rutger Bregman on October 17 and The Engineer's Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood on November 16.  Our meetings are held in Trinity Hall on the third Thursday of most months at 3 pm. It is an informal gathering to talk about our book for the month, led by a facilitator. We try to select books from different genres to stretch our horizons, as well as to appeal to a wide range of people.

Help Stock the St. Paul’s Shelf at Parktown Food Hub!
Keep it coming! THANKS to your generosity the “St. Paul’s Dry Boxed Pasta Shelf” stays stocked and ready to help hungry families. Please continue to add dry pasta to your shopping list to share with the St. Paul’s shelf. The Women’s Connection Group is leading this initiative to support the Parktown Food Hub, led by Pastor Sharon Schulze.

SAVE THE DATE! October 3th is  Trunk or Treat! Hot dog supper at 5 pm and Trunk or Treating at 6 pm.

Help Lutheran Disaster


Lutheran Disaster Response brings God’s hope, healing and renewal to people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. 

Here is the LINK  to their webpage which offers the opportunity to make a donation, search their blog, or just get updates on ongoing situations.

Copyright 2013. St. Paul's Lutheran Church, ELCA. 

All Rights Reserved.

​​​​St. Paul's Lutheran Church

Durham, North Carolina

Welcome to St. Paul's!

1200 West Cornwallis Road
Durham, NC 27705-5731

"Let us begin by acknowledging the land upon which we gather today. This land has been playground and campground for many generations of people, including the Lumbee, Skaruhreh/Tuscarora, Cheraw, Catawba, Occaneechi, and Shakori Nations. Its waterways were their highways, its flora and fauna their banquet table, its starry skies their canvas upon which their stories were painted. They cared for this land, and we remember their lives here with gratitude. We give thanks for all Indigenous peoples who continue to care for this land and to call it their home."

                         -- Vicar Amanda Spangler